Private Providers

Private Provider Registration, Scheduling Inspections, & Submitting Inspection Documents

Private Provider Policy

Private Provider Notice

Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit

Private Provider in Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

FEMA Memo on Affidavits

The DEM State Floodplain Management Office has received inquiries regarding use and acceptance of private providers for building in special flood hazard areas. The FBC, Building Chapter 1 specifically does not extend that authority to the flood load and flood resistant construction requirements in Sec. 105.14 exception, and Sec. 107.6.1. The above memorandum, co-signed by Jason Hunter, FEMA Region IV, explains the origin of those FBC provisions and FEMA’s expectations based on the NFIP regulations.

Despite the submission of an affidavit authorized by B107.6, the building official must review plans for compliance with the flood provisions and issue permits and perform inspections to ensure compliance with the flood provisions. Under the NFIP, the community is responsible for ensuring compliance. *The original proposal (SP5255) included both Section 107.6.1 and Section 117; the exception to Section 105.14 was added to proposal CA5082) by amendments for consistency. Please contact (850) 815-4556 or if you have questions about the flood provisions in the FBC or FBC-coordinated floodplain management regulations.