Solid Waste, Recycling & Yardwaste

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Curbside Collection and Yardwaste Facility – Contact Information

Solid Waste Division
(727) 943-4837
325 E. Pine Street

Yard Waste Facility
(727) 943-0067
101 Meres Boulevard

Solid Waste, Recycling and Yard Waste Collection

Solid Waste Collection:  All residential curbside garbage collection is scheduled for pick-up on MONDAY AND THURSDAY. All material must be placed at curbside by 7:00 a.m.
Recycling Collection:  All recycling is collected on THURSDAYS.

Reminder:  Do not leave containers at curbside after collection!  After garbage, solid waste and recyclables are collected, solid waste and recyclable containers must be relocated to a location out of public view. Containers shall be placed at curbside no earlier than 12 hours before collection, and shall be removed no later than 12 hours after collection.  For commercial customers curbside is defined as the customary position of a dumpster used for collection.

Yard-waste Collection:


West of Pinellas Ave (Alt 19)
Residential Yard waste collection on Monday, and Recycling on Thursday. All material must be placed at curbside by 7:00 a.m.

East of Pinellas Ave (Alt 19)
Residential Yard waste collection on Thursday, and Recycling on Thursday.
All material must be placed at curbside by 7:00 a.m.

There will be no solid waste collection for garbage, yard waste or recycling on New Years’ Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.  Regular collection will resume the following Monday.  There is no change in pick up schedule for other observed City Holidays.

Roll-offs or Commercial Dumpsters: To order a commercial dumpster, call 727-943-4837. To order a “temporary” roll-off, please contact Utility Billing at (727)942-5609.

Christmas Trees: may be disposed of with the resident’s regular yard waste. Trees may also be taken to the yard waste facility, however there will be a $5 disposal fee.

Yardwaste Facility, Recycling Bins and Hazardous Waste Disposal

Yardwaste Facility Hours:  Monday – Friday from 7:00 am until 4:30 pm and Saturday from 7:00 am until 12 noon
New Yardwaste Facility Rates are Effective October 1, 2023
Commercial Users (NOT City Solid Waste Customers): $90 per ton / $50 minimum
Disposal of Household Items in Dumpster: $80 per ton / $30 minimum
City Solid Waste Customers Disposal of Yard Waste: $20 per trip (Pick-up or Trailer no larger that 4 ft. by 8 ft. – Must show current utility bill and valid driver license)

Dumpsters:  Dumpsters are available for use at the Yardwaste Facility for a cost of $80 per ton with a $30 minimum. No tires, electronics or roofing shingles allowed in dumpsters.

Recycle Bins are available at the Solid Waste Office, or call us and we will deliver one to your home.
Recycling centers are located at 1023 Gulf Rd and 898 South Levis Ave.

Recycling Guide

Quarterly Recycling Report

Where Does It Go? Search Tool

Household Hazardous Waste Center

Visit for Household Chemical Collection Event dates and locations.

Medication Disposal is available at the Tarpon Springs Police Department 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. The MedReturn Drug Collection Unit is located in the front lobby of the Public Safety Facility at 444 S. Huey Avenue. Accepted medications: Pills, Capsules, liquids, ointments, over the counter medications, vitamins, samples and pet medications. Not Accepted: Thermometers, needles, sharp items, medication from businesses and clinics, hydrogen peroxide, inhalers and aerosol cans.

Roll-offs or Commercial Dumpsters: To order a commercial dumpster, call 727-943-4837. To order a “temporary” roll-off, please contact Utility Billing at (727)942-5609.

Section 8-13 of the city code provides that only the City May collect and dispose of waste.  Because the city contracts with Waste Management for collection and disposal, roll off containers that are available from Waste Management should be used.  If a roll off container is used for recyclable materials or a size not available through Waste Management, a different company may be used.