City Clerk & Collector
Custodian of Public Records Contact Information:
Requests to view public records do not have to be made in writing and may be made by telephone, email or walk in at the City Clerk’s office.
Pay your utility bill by phone: (727) 942-5609
Pay your bill online
Irene S. Jacobs, CMC, City Clerk & Collector
410 North Ring Avenue
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
Mailing Address: P O Box 5004
Tarpon Springs, FL 34688-5004
Telephone: (727) 942-5614 Fax (727) 942-5619
For a copy of associated forms and instructions visit our document library.
Assessment Searches – Law offices, title companies, or individuals may request assessment searches for properties located within the city limits of Tarpon Springs. Assessment searches encompass: water, sewer and garbage accounts, lot mowing assessments, miscellaneous receivables and code enforcement action. Visit our document library for the Municipal Assessment Search – Pay Off Request Form.
Election documents and information may be found in our document library or visit the Supervisor of Elections website.
Election Information
Election Information in English
Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections
Vote By Mail Ballots – Request a Mail Ballot by Visiting this link or by calling 727-464-8683
Precinct Finder
Voter Registration
Candidate Information – August 20, 2024 Special Election
Candidate Information – March 11, 2025 Municipal Election
Informacion Electoral
Supervisora de Elecciones del Condado de Pinellas
Boleta para votal por correo – Solicite una boleta por correo visitando el enlace de arriba o llamando al 727-464-8683
Buscador de Distritos Electorales
Inscripcion de Electores
Tarpon Springs Citizen’s Academy
The Citizen’s Academy guides and educates citizens on the operations that keep the City of Tarpon Springs running. Academy participants will tour key facilities, learn about the challenges the city faces and have the opportunity to talk with City leaders about current issues and events affecting Tarpon Springs. Participants also have the opportunity to meet key staff members and receive insight about the essential functions of their City. City Officials will, in turn, gain valuable insight into citizens’ priorities and needs.
Goals of the Academy are to:
* Improve citizens understanding of local government
* Strengthen the relationship between citizens and local government
* Develop citizens understanding
* Develop a pool of knowledgeable individuals to act as ambassadors and possibly serve on volunteer advisory boards
Applications are now being accepted for the Citizen’s Academy Program. The Citizens Academy guides and educates citizens through the operations that keep the City of Tarpon Springs running. Academy participants will tour key facilities, learn about the challenges the City faces, and have the opportunity to talk with City leaders about current issues and events affecting Tarpon Springs. Citizens would also have the opportunity to meet key staff members and receive insight about the essential functions of their City. City Officials will, in turn, gain valuable insight into citizens’ priorities and needs. The Citizen’s Academy is usually held on Wednesday evenings.
Class size is limited to 25 people. If you are interested in attending, please complete the Citizens’ Academy Application and return to the City Clerk’s Office at Applications can also be returned via USPS mail (City Clerk’s Office, PO Box 5004, Tarpon Springs, FL 34688-5004) or in person at the City Clerk’s Office (410 N. Ring Avenue).
For additional information, please contact Irene Jacobs, City Clerk at (727) 942-5614, Option 6 or