Water, Wastewater and Reclaimed

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Water, Reclaimed Water and Wastewater Utilities

Reverse Osmosis Water Facility

Reclaimed Water and Wastewater Utility

Contact Information:

After Hours Emergency:  727-234-4087

Office Hours:  Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

R. O. Water Facility:  727-937-2557

(Water Line Breaks, Quality or Pressure)

Water / Wastewater Connection and Fees:  727-942-5617

Utility Billing Account Information: 727-942-5609


Contact Information:

After Hours Emergency: (727) 234-4087

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 pm

Reclaimed Water Production: 727-942-5616

Wastewater Connection and Fees:  727-942-5609

Utility Billing Account Information: 727-942-5609

Lift Station Alarms: 727-224-3037

Environmental Management and FOG:  727-942-5616


Our annual hydrant maintenance program is nearly complete. This program is necessary to ensure proper operation of all fire hydrants in the City and reduces home insurance rates for residents.  Work will conclude by the end of February. The work is divided into 4 geographic quadrants. A quadrant map and status of each quadrant appears below.

Hydrant maintenance requires flowing water at very high rates from individual hydrants.  This may result in water temporarily collecting in streets and may cause temporary discoloration of water as the pipes are being flushed.  This is a common utility practice.  We understand that this may cause concern for our residents, and we are reviewing our program and communications practices to minimize the disruption to service and residents as much as possible in the future.  If you have concerns, contact the water division at 727-937-2557 or email cityhelp@ctsfl.us.

A description of the quadrants and the status for the current maintenance cycle is shown below:

Quadrant 1 – west of alt 19 and north of Gulf Road – will be complete by February 2, 2024

Quadrant 2 – east of alt 19 and north of Tarpon Avenue – complete

Quadrant 3 – west of alt 19 and south of Gulf Road – complete

Quadrant 4 – east of alt 19 and south of Tarpon Avenue – 10 hydrants remaining; complete by end of February 2024.

Hydrant Maintenance Zone Map

Watering Restrictions

Reclaimed Watering Restrictions

Reclaimed water is highly treated wastewater processed by the City’s advanced wastewater treatment plant.  Due to limitations in its supply and distribution system, reclaimed water service is available only in some areas of the City.

PHASE II – Defined Below July 12, 2024

PHASE I:  Voluntarily reducing reclaimed water usage to 2 days per week outside of the hours of 10 am to 4 pm to maximize the effectiveness of irrigation.

PHASE II:  Voluntarily reducing reclaimed water usage to 2 days per week outside of the hours of 10 am to 4 pm to maximize the effectiveness of irrigation AND Mandatory interruptions of service as needed during the hours of 10 am to 4 pm to minimize waste from evaporation and assist in maintaining supply.

PHASE III:  Mandatory limited watering days citywide with interruptions in service as required to restore supply. If drought conditions persist, and reclaimed water supply is not sufficient, additional off days may be required.

Irrigation Using Potable City Water or Wells/Lakes/Ponds

Irrigation of established lawns and landscaping is authorized for one day per week

If your house number ends in: Then you may water on:
0 or 1 Monday
2 or 3 Tuesday
4 or 5 Wednesday
6 or 7 Thursday
8 or 9 Friday
Mixed or No address Friday

Watering is limited to the following hours to minimize losses from evaporation:

Morning Hours OR Evening Hours
12:01 AM to 8:00 AM 6:00 PM to 11:59 PM

Watering is prohibited between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Properties two acres or greater in size may irrigate during the hours of 12:01 AM to 10:00 AM or 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM on the authorized day

Residential Car Washing
Restricted to only one washing per week

If your house number ends in: Then you may wash your vehicle on:
EVEN number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) Tuesday or Saturday
ODD number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) Wednesday or Sunday

Low volume methods only, such as a hand-held hose equipped with a trigger (self canceling) nozzle

Other Water Use Restrictions – (Applies to all sources EXCEPT Reclaimed Water)

New Lawns:

New turfgrass may be watered for a 30-day total establishment period, only during authorized hours.
Day 1 to Day 15:  new or replacement turfgrass may be watered any day of the week.
Day 16 to Day 30: new or replacement turfgrass may be watered 3 days per week.
Even addresses only on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
Odd addresses only on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday
Isolated to new lawn area only.
Exemption begins on the day of installation.
On the day of installation, new turf-grass may be irrigated once without regard to the allowable watering times.
An entire zone of an irrigation system may be used if the zone waters an area that contains at least 50% new turf grass material
Partial zone or dispersed plantings shall be watered by some other, more targeted means of supplemental irrigation.

New Landscaping:

New plant materials may be watered for a 60-day total establishment period, only during authorized hours.
Day 1 to Day 30, new landscape may be watered any day of the week.
Day 31 to Day 60, new landscape may be watered 3 days per week.
Even addresses only on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
Odd addresses only on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday
Isolated to new plant area only.
Exemption begins on the day of installation.
On the day of installation, new plant material may be irrigated once without regard to the allowable watering times.
An entire zone of an irrigation system may be used if the zone waters an area that contains at least 50% new plant material.
Partial zone or dispersed plantings shall be watered by some other, more targeted means of supplemental irrigation.

Pressure Washing:  Permitted in preparation for painting or maintenance.  Annual pressure washing as a part of a planned maintenance program or to prevent hazards is permitted.

Trees, Shrubs, Flowers and Vegetables:  Hand watering is allowed with a shut off nozzle or other water efficient device before 8 am or after 6 pm.

Lawn Chemicals: Irrigation to water-in necessary lawn chemicals is not restricted when required by the manufacturer or when required by law.  Chemical applications shall be watered during authorized watering hours and on regularly designated irrigation days when possible

Low Volume Irrigation Devices: Landscape (ground cover other than lawn) may be irrigated on an as-needed basis without regard to the normally allowable watering days if Low-Volume Irrigation technology is used.  Restricted to before 8 am or after 6 pm.

Irrigation System Testing & Repair: may be operated for cleaning and maintenance with an attendant on site.  No more than once per week and one test should not exceed 10 minutes.

Fountains, Waterfalls and Artistic Water Features: Small residential and backyard fountains can operate anytime.  Large community/park fountains can only operate for 4 hours per day and hours must be posted.  Stormwater pond fountains may be operated as necessary when it provides a necessary water quality benefit.

Vertical Mowing (Verticutting):  May only receive two extra waterings: immediately upon removal of the thatch and then one week later to water-in a complete fertilizer.

Over-seeding:  No special or extra watering is allowed for over-seeding an existing lawn

Wasteful and Unnecessary Use of Water: The following wasteful and unnecessary water uses are prohibited:

  • Allowing water to flow from an unattended hose
  • Hand-watering a lawn on a restricted day or more than once a day, except when used for spot treatment
  • Hosing-down a driveway or solid surface when a dry method could be used or hosing-down a structure when a dry method could be used
  • Allowing water to flow from a broken sprinkler head, outdoor faucet, malfunctioning plumbing or irrigation system after receiving verbal or written notice

To report watering restriction violations or questions regarding enforcement, please contact Tarpon Springs Code Enforcement at 727-937-0017.


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