
Vulnerability Assessment & Action Plan (VAAP)

The City of Tarpon Springs has been awarded a grant through the Florida Resilient Coastlines Program administered by the Florida Department of Environmental Program. This program supports local communities like Tarpon Springs in assessing vulnerabilities to coastal flooding and erosion and to develop strategies to make affected areas more resilient. The VAAP is aimed at preparing Tarpon Springs for the effects of coastal flooding, erosion, and ecosystem changes including consideration of the effect of rising sea levels.

You can check out our VAAP Connect Tarpon page for project updates and public engagement opportunities!

Floodplain Management

The City of Tarpon Springs has a Floodplain Management program and completes FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS) assessment. Visit the City’s Floodplain Management website for more information about the CRS and floodplain management including information on flood insurance, elevation certifications, and the City’s CRS rating.

Flooding observed on Dodecanese Boulevard in Tarpon Springs.
Flooding observed on Dodecanese Boulevard in Tarpon Springs.